
Showing posts from June, 2018

Roadblocks to Automated Testing Solutions and tools

Test Automation has become an indispensable part of every software development and testing project. Though, various industry studies show that 80% of test automation projects are failing while the other 20% are not yielding enough ROI. Here are the top automation testing roadblocks: Company Culture Companies are still stuck without clarity of expectations between developers and software testers. Functional and unit testing need to be written so they can absorb changes without breaking. Test cases to be durable with time. Appreciate why tests break. Figure out what you need to do to make the tests more resilient. You first have to test sites structures in place a lot like ours, where you are catching regressions and able to notify designers appropriately. At that point, you need clear procedures for what is done when regressions are diagnosed: that is assigned to fix them, how fast must they be resolved versus completing other tasks, what happens to ambiguous ...

Why Do You Need a Perfect Web Application Security Testing Strategy?

We live in an era where web applications have become an important part of our day to day routine due to their continuous availability and being able to access huge data on our fingertips. With this flexibility and continuous availability, there is a huge increase in the amount of data and the number of transactions on the web.  Therefore, proper security testing of web applications has become very important. From emailing to online shopping to banking, the data is stored in the web applications and all the data stored is a bait for cybercriminals to hack into the systems and get access to the information stored. Types of Web Application Security Testing Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): DAST is a process of testing an application which helps to look for weak links in a web application that an attacker could try to exploit. The process doesn’t require much time, and different changes can be done quickly and frequently since DAST does not require access to...